Mission and Goals
The Mission of the Trust is the following:
The Trust will create a sense of local ownership and pride in the unique and diverse cultural, architectural and natural heritages of the Karoo, promote regional cohesion in the Karoo, and promote sustainable socio-economic development in the Karoo.
The Goals of the Trust are the following:
- The Karoo Trust shall create opportunities for local people to take an active interest in the preservation of their architectural, natural, cultural and archaeological heritage.
- The Trust shall promote innovative, imaginative and effective economic and social development and investment programmes to enhance the quality of life of residents of the Karoo, with due sensitivity for the natural and cultural heritage of the region.
- The Trust shall encourage inclusive and people-centered development strategies, which will promote employment, emergent enterprises, and will alleviate poverty in Karoo communities.
- The Trust shall endeavour to preserve the ecological heritage of the Karoo.
- The Trust shall facilitate co-operation amongst government, municipal, private and civil society organisations in the Karoo, and assist them to achieve their developmental goals.
- The Trust shall promote research, publications and exchanges of information and best practice solutions to arid areas problems.
- The Trust shall register and protect generic names and geographical products, developments, fauna, flora and property on behalf of the beneficiary community in the Karoo.
- If necessary, the Trust may acquire buildings or land of historical, architectural or ecological importance, and renovate or rehabilitate land or landscapes, to preserve the heritage of the culture and history of the people of the Karoo.
- If necessary, the Trust may acquire displays, books, artifacts, photographs, mementoes and all such objects pertaining to the natural environment, historical, social, political and cultural nature and development of the area, in order to promote the preservation of such resources;
- The Trust shall promote a conservation ethic within the Karoo community, and foster a greater understanding of the natural environment, values, local products, history, and architecture of the Karoo community;
- The Trust shall to liaise with other similar organisations or trusts for the exchange of knowledge, exhibitions or support.
- The Trust shall facilitate international contact and exchanges to promote sustainable development in the arid and semi-areas.
- In endeavouring to achieve the Trust's aims and objectives, the Trustees shall always respect the rights and wishes of the Karoo community.
- The Trust shall be pro-active in obtaining and reinforcing moral and financial support for itself. In this regard, the Trustees shall industriously seek the contributions of all the people of South Africa, including both the Public and Private sectors. Where such support is given, the Trustees shall have an obligation to account for it.
Download the Mission and goals on PDF here