The Karoo is a vast arid area in the hinterland of four provinces: the Western Cape, the Northern Cape, the Eastern Cape, and the Free State. In each of the four provinces, it is an economically neglected zone, and development effort is diverted away, towards the coastlines and the capital cities. This has the unintended consequence of intensifying poverty in these areas, or encouraging out-migration to the cities.
The KDF is in the process of setting up a project to help with the development of tourism in the Karoo. The purpose of this project is to develop the latent economic potential of the Greater Karoo, so that it can influence future government planning and expenditures. One of its potential assets is "desert tourism", based on nature reserves, agri-tourism, small-town Victorian architecture, crafts, and heritage (palaeontology and Khoisan paintings).
In October 2012, the Karoo Development Foundation published a Karoo Tourism Strategy, which presents a vision for future tourism development in this region. The Strategy was endorsed by the National Department of Tourism, at the Karoo Development Conference in Beaufort West, 26 October
2012. The full version of the Strategy is available in English, while the summary version is available in English and Afrikaans.
Karoo Tourism Strategy - Synopsis - Eng and Afr
Karoo Tourism Strategy - final
Several tourism service providers are now active in the Karoo.
Sustainable Tourism Partnership Programme (STPP)
The Sustainable Tourism Partnership Programme (STPP) was established as a non-profit company to facilitate the implementation of Sustainable Tourism Practices in Smaller Accommodation Establishments across South Africa thus ensuring alignment to the National Minimum Standard of Responsible Tourism. The programme is set to contribute a significantly to the tourism industry becoming sustainable and to realize the requirements of the National Tourism Sector Strategy by 2020.
Discover the Karoo
Discover the Karoo is a website which can help you find accommodation in the Karoo area.
Photos of Africa
PHOTOS OF AFRICA is South Africa's foremost roving film production unit which has already covered many regions of our country for leading South African and international organisations and companies. Karoo towns, businesses and attractions are welcome to contact Photos of Africa to be included in future films. Click here for a video clip of their latest film production on the Karoo". For further information, contact: www.photosofafrica.com or email info@photosofafrica.com.
Alive!PTL cc has been actively promoting community tourism development for 18 years, which makes is the oldest company in the Western Cape to do this. Visit there website