Danielskuil Genealogy and
Cemeteries Project

Between 2019 and 2023 the Karoo Development Foundation undertook a project to write up family histories in Danielskuil, a mining town in the Northern Cape.
This settlement originated in 1820, when the Griqua captain, Barend Barends, settled there with his followers.
Today, the population is descended from Griqua roots, as well as Tswana, Afrikaans and English people.
Our project was funded by the National Heritage Council, as well as the Dutch Culture NGO.
Danielskuil is also part of the Forgotten Highway Route.
In February 2023, we published our book called Danielskuil: ‘n Skatkis vol Stories. The low-resolution PDF is available here for download.
Our project included a valuable study done by the archaeologists Heidi Fivaz and Jan Engelbrecht. They described all the built heritage they could find in Danielskuil. It sets a new standard for town-based Heritage Assessments - well worth emulating in other Karoo towns!
Pictures: Book launches in Danielskuil, 28 February 2023:
- The Mayor of Kgatelopele Local Municipality, Councillor Ireen Williams, receives her copy of Danielskuil: ‘n Skatkis vol Stories, from Prof Doreen Atkinson.
- Mr Fritz Steenkamp, headmaster, and learners of the Kuilsville High School receive a copy of the book.
- Ms Jackie Bezuidenhout, head of the Danielskuil High School, receives her copy of the book. Her grandfather, Rev Bart Haai, figured prominently in the book.
- The learners at Danielskuil High School at the book launch.
Our project included a valuable study done by the archaeologists Heidi Fivaz and Jan Engelbrecht. They described all the built heritage they could find in Danielskuil. It sets a new standard for town-based Heritage Assessments - well worth emulating in other Karoo towns! Click here

For more information, contact Doreen Atkinson on doreenkaroo@gmail.com., or whatsapp 071 401 2583.